Many members offer their gifts to lend to the beauty and dignity to our worship:
Our altar guild prepares the altar for us to share a meal with God; the members care for the vessels and linens we use in worship.
Acolytes help our worship flow smoothly. They light and extinguish the altar candles, carry the processional cross, and assist the clergy at the altar. Both children and adults serve in this ministry, and training is provided as needed during the year.
The choir praises God in song and leads the congregation in singing. From time to time, a small band plays special music during worship.
Lectors read lessons from Scripture at our services and chalicers serve the consecrated wine during Communion.
Adult education programs are offered throughout the year. Offerings can include everything from an exploration of the Nicene Creed to how to discern spiritual gifts to an Advent quiet day.
A lively Bible study is offered on Tuesdays from 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 Noon. Participants read and discuss the Scripture lessons for the coming Sunday. Everyone is welcome – no prior knowledge of the Bible is required.